Information materials


Advice for a patient with a plaster cast

Anaesthesia leaflet

Caring for surgical wounds

Caring for sutured or surgically stapled wound at home


Conservative treatment of an achilles tendon rupture

Emergency care in the Emergency Department

EMERGENCY CARE - Which health issues should warrant a visit to your family doctor and which health issues should warrant a visit to the Emergency Department

Enhanced recovery after surgery ERAS. Gastrectomy and gastric resection

Information for patients who lack health insurance

Information leaflet on the insertation/removal of a portacath or groshong catheter at the day-patient surgery department

Information sheet for a department of outpatient surgery patient ( general anaesthesia)

Information sheet for a department of outpatient surgery patient (local anaesthetic)

Instructions for anal swabbing

Instructions for collecting a lactose or milk sugar tolerance sample

Instructions for collecting a phlegm sample

Instructions for collecting a saliva sample for determining the cortisol level

Instructions for collecting a stool sample

Instructions for collecting a stool sample (sample container with formalin)

Instructions for collecting a urine sample for men

Instructions for collecting a urine sample for women

Instructions for giving a blood sample

Instructions for 24-hour urine collection

Nuclear medicine

Paying for healthcare services

Postoperative pain management

Rehabilitation following the surgical treatment of an achilles tendon rupture

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass operation. Nutrition and recovery guidelines after bariatric surgery.

Strains, dislocations, contusions

The portacath, or a central venous catheter with an implanted reservoir

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. Nutrition and recovery guidelines after bariatric surgery

What is psychosis and how to handle it. Information material for patients who are experiencing psychosis and their family members

What to watch out for after a head trauma

When you sneeze or cough...

Mahalaukun kavennusleikkaus (vertical sleeve gastrectomy). Lihavuusleikkausta seuraavat ruokailu- ja palautumisohjeet

Mahalaukun ohitusleikkaus Gastric Bypass-leikkaus Rouxin mukaan. Lihavuusleikkausta seuraavat ruokailu- ja palautumisohjeet